We Honor You Today

God bless the soldiers who have given their lives serving our great nation. God bless the families who have lost a loved one who served so valiantly. Let us not forget what Memorial Day is really about. Celebrate with your family, hold them close and enjoy the time that others …

Vick Sentenced to 23 Months

Well I guess this could be considered a small victory for all the dogs who suffered at this jerks hand. Twenty-three months isn’t enough as far as I’m concerned. I hope his jail time and financial losses take every possible luxury away from him. Hopefully the NFL will never take …

Shark Fishing In A Kayak Anyone?

Some brave stupid fishermen have set a world record by fishing for sharks with nothing more than rods and kayaks. The fishermen paddled through freezing shark-filled waters in Alaska to set the record. The four individuals part of the American Ocean Kayak Fishing Team fished for salmon sharks that average …

Google Earth Reveals Swastika-Shaped Navy Barracks

Google Earth has some amazing functions. Someone recently looked up the Coronado amphibious base outside San Diego, CA and found that the building had an amazing resemblance to a swastika from an aerial view. Didn’t anyone notice this when they were looking at the building plans??? Apparently the buildings controversial …

An Ode to OJ

Yet another scuffle with the law, Why didn’t you just fade into the night, Will you finally take the fall, Does the ski mask fit, How about that audio tape, Hopefully this time there’s no room to acquit, The evidence is piling up against you, Still you parade around smiling, …

Dear Michael Vick,

I hope they lock your sorry ass up for a long time! You and your dog fighting cohorts are among the lowest form of trash on our lovely planet. I hope the NFL fines you, and prohibits you from ever playing professional football again. I hope this ignorant little venture …

Star Wars Hits 30

A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away… 30 years and holding strong. Let the geeks around the world unite. Strap on your Boba Fett costume run into the street and chase down some rebel scum. Have yourself a Star Wars viewing one weekend. I think I can …