Men Are Just Happier People

Nicknames:  If Laura, Kate and Sarah go out for lunch, they will call each other Laura, Kate and Sarah.  If Mike, Dave and John go out, they will affectionately refer to each other as Fat Boy, Godzilla and Four-eyes. Eating Out: When the bill arrives, Mike, Dave and John will …

Happy Halloween

Be safe and have fun out there tonight… Watch out for ghosts, goblins and those evil little children ;)Hey…“Why did the vampire go to the orthodontist?To improve his bite…”

Spooky Car Advertisment Video

This is a car advertisement from Great Britain. When they finished filming the ad, the editor noticed something moving along the side of the car, like a ghostly white mist. They found out that a person had been killed a year earlier in that exact same spot. The ad was …