Sully’s Top 5 OS X 10.7 Lion Tweaks

Disable “Natural Scrolling” – Wow, this might be a good idea on the iPhone or iPad but seriously you expect me to use this on my 27″ iMac. Let’s turn this setting off first!

1) Open System Preferences and select the “Mouse or Trackpad” icon under the Hardware section
2) Near the top make sure “Point & Click” is selected
3) Uncheck “Scroll direction: natural

Unhide the User Library Folder “~/Library” – Not everyone will need to unhide their Library folder but if you have used it in the past then the following is for you.

1) Open Terminal (/Application/Utilities)
2) Type (without the quotes) “chflags nohidden ~/Library” and hit Return key
3) Type (without the quotes) “exit” and hit Return key

Hide “All My Files” – WTF? Who thought this was a good idea? Like I don’t know where my files are; What a waste of programming.

1) Open a window in the finder
2) Go to Finder > Preferences.
3) Choose “GENERAL” and change the option under “New Finder Windows show”
4) choose “SIDEBAR” and un-check the box “All my Files”

Disable “Resume” – I’m still on the fence about Resume. At work I think it is a great feature but at home I absolutely HATE it!

1) Open System Preferences and select the “General” icon under the Personal section
2) Near the bottom of the “Number of recent items” list, uncheck “Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps”

Install SafariSort – Another Apple OS and another version of Safari has been rolled out and Apple still refuses to let us anal retentive folks alphabetically sort our bookmarks like every other browser. SafairSort is the one click and done solution.

1) Download SafariSort via
2) Copy SafariSort to your /Application folder
3) Run and Sort

Additional Tweaks

TUAW has also listed some other great tweaks. Head over to the “Hackinations: 5 really good Lion tweaks” page if you are interested in turning off Zooming Windows, Automatic Spelling Correction and/or how to Show Scrollbars again.