Shift It – Simple, Fast, FREE Window Management App

I have seen so many references to the window management application Divvy lately. Divvy looks very cool, but I like free! I have been using “Shift It” for a while; It works great!

The Shift It application will let you resize and move your windows without having to use a mouse (and/or via the Menu Bar).


  • Shift the focused window to left/right/top/bottom half of the screen.
  • Resize the focused window to fill the whole screen.
  • Move the focused window to the center of the screen.

Shift It is a great tool that lets you organize your windows. Now you can read documents side-by-side without having the pain of manually resizing the windows.

If you are looking for simple, fast window management without a lot of bells and whistles I would give Shift It a try.

Shift It Download –

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