Second Life – Are You Kidding Me?

There is an internet craze that is growing at an enormous rate. Second Life is an online imaginary world where you (the real you) can assume any identity your little heart desires.

”What is Second Life? – Second Life is a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its residents. Since opening to the public in 2003, it has grown explosively and today is inhabited by a total of 6,047,217 people from around the globe. ”

Here’s the kicker… The real you pays real money to get your virtual identity, money, and land. I have several issues with this. One – who has time for this. If you do have time for a Second Life then you are simply not living your FIRST life. Two – have we become so introverted and starved for acceptance that we shun real relationships for virtual ones. Three – damn I wish I had thought of it first.

Come on people – get out and explore the real world… Sorry, life is too short to live in a bubble. If you have real money to waste feel free to send it to me.