R.I.P. Yahoo Search Engine

yahoo_logoPerhaps one of the most iconic search engines is about to change. Yahoo has agreed to a partnership with Microsoft. The Yahoo search will now be powered by Bing. The Yahoo search engine will no longer develop search technologies.

Yahoo mail and other services will remain fully functional. Is this a big deal? Not really… Does anyone still use Yahoo for search? I don’t know anyone who does.

Yahoo could never keep up with Google and they have fallen further and further from obscurity over the past several years. Most use Yahoo for it’s free mail that they have been using for years. If they were to kill Yahoo mail, the site would be completely useless and undoubtedly fall out of cyberspace.

Microsoft has wanted Yahoo for a long time. This is just another example of Microsoft buying any competition or popular item it can get it’s rich hands on.

This partnership shows that the WWW of today has changed drastically. The web is a living breathing entity. It has evolved at the speed of light. There is no doubt that the landscape of todays web will be drastically different in a very short time.

Goodbye old friend; you had one hell of a ride!