Pregnant Man, Pregnant Again – Who Cares?

I’m so sick of seeing crap on this so called ‘pregnant man’. He is NOT a man… He’s a woman who underwent gender reassignment surgery without removing his her female reproductive organs. 

Recently on CNN’s Larry King Live Thomas Beatie told King she he is surprised from all the attention she he has recieved.

“Honestly, we are quite surprised. We naively thought that we were going to be able to get away with me giving birth without anyone knowing.”

Are you kidding me; he has been on every television show, published a book and is now pregnant again. Can you say show me the money? This woman man is really pushing the publicity wagon. 

Do you want to be a woman, or a man? Make up your mind. People, please stop calling him the pregnant man. Just because she he looks like a man doesn’t make her him a man… 

You know; back in the day they would have simply called him the bearded lady.