PHP COVID-19 Coronavirus Data via JSON

Want to add Coronavirus data to your website? It’s simple with PHP and JSON. There are numerous resources available to pull data from. For this example I will utilize the COVID Tracking Project API.

API Data

Visit the COVID Tracking Projects API page and find your State from the “States Current Values” option.

API URL Format

API URL Format Example (Virginia)

Test Your States API Link – the data returned should look simular to the following example;

{"state":"VA","positive":9952,"positiveScore":1,"negativeScore":1,"negativeRegularScore":1,"commercialScore":1,"grade":"A","score":4,"negative":50826,"pending":495,"hospitalizedCurrently":1374,"hospitalizedCumulative":1659,"inIcuCurrently":419,"inIcuCumulative":null,"onVentilatorCurrently":244,"onVentilatorCumulative":null,"recovered":1497,"lastUpdateEt":"4/22 00:00","checkTimeEt":"4/22 23:05","death":349,"hospitalized":1659,"total":61273,"totalTestResults":60778,"posNeg":60778,"fips":"51","dateModified":"2020-04-22T04:00:00Z","dateChecked":"2020-04-23T03:05:00Z","notes":"Please stop using the \"total\" field. Use \"totalTestResults\" instead.","hash":"d825dfd0831d0e270650be1f3ccd6a3758c5ade8"}

PHP Data

  • Use cURL to make the request via your API URL determined above to get get the JSON data
    • Note: You must have the cURL extension enabled in your PHP environment
  • Use json_decode to decode the JSON data
  • Assign variables to the decoded JSON dataset
  • Print (echo) the variables

Complete PHP Example

Sample Code Created by

// The COVID Tracking Project (
$API_Data = "";

// cURL Options
$ch = curl_init($API_Data);
$response = curl_exec($ch);

// Decode the Response
$result = json_decode($response);

// Variables for Respone Data
$Positive = $result->positive;
$Negative = $result->negative;
$Pending= $result->pending;
$Hospital_Currently = $result->hospitalizedCurrently;
$Hospital_Total = $result->hospitalized;
$ICU_Currently = $result->inIcuCurrently;
$Ventilator_Currenlty = $result->onVentilatorCurrently;
$Recovered = $result->recovered;
$Deaths = $result->death;
$Updated = strtotime($result->dateModified);
$Last_Updated = date("m/d/y - h:i", $Updated);

// Display the Data
echo "<p>Testing</p>";
echo "Positive: " .$Positive. "<br>";
echo "Negative: " .$Negative. "<br>";
echo "Pending: " .$Pending;
echo "<p>Hospitalization</p>";
echo "Current Hospitalizations: " .$ICU_Currently. "<br>";
echo "Current In ICU: " .$Ventilator_Currenlty. "<br>";
echo "Current On Ventilator: " .$Ventilator_Currenlty. "<br>";
echo "Total Hospitalizations: " .$Hospital_Total. "<br>";
echo "<p>Recovery/Fatality</p>";
echo "Recovered: " .$Recovered. "<br>";
echo "Deaths: " .$Deaths;
echo "<p>Updated</p>";
echo"Last Update: ".$Last_Updated;

Example Output

Example Output