I’ll have the Lobster, Please

I often joke with family and coworkers that I want to quit my job, move to Maine, and become a lobsterman.  The daily humdrum of being a webmaster can get old after a while.  I know everyone thinks it is the easiest job and fun too.  Well I hate to tell you it aint always easy and any job can become mundane after a while. Don’t get me wrong – I do love my job (truly).

Back to Maine… I have never been there, but I’m chomping at the bit  to go. Perhaps it’s simply the overflowing abundance of succulent lobsters waiting on a plate for me.  Perhaps it is the anti-city landscape that beckons me. Perhaps I just need a vacation….

Thanks Robin for taunting me… 

A coworker is there now taunting me with pictures and emailing his daily delicacies.  Oh how envious I am. Why am I so obsessed with Maine? I have no idea.  If I keep begging my wife perhaps one day she will give in.

Sir, May I have some more melted butter.