Gordon Boots the Short Order Chef – 3 Losers Remain

Bye Bye JuliaBummer! I was really hoping that Julia would make it to the final two or at least the final three. Although she had a great personality and some decent skills she truly is to green to run a resort kitchen. I was really impressed with Chef Ramsey’s offer to send Julia to culinary school on his dime. Obviously he knows she has great potential. Best of luck to you Julia.

And then there were three… So, its down to Bonnie, Jen and Rock. Personally I think they all stink. I was rooting for Brad to take the whole thing. Bonnie the cooking nanny has no chance. Jen is an absolute fruitcake. Rock perhaps the most deserving of the three is at least a real chef. I guess I will have to vote for Rock to take the prize.

On a side note: Don’t forget to check out Gordon’s new show “Kitchen Nightmares” starting this fall. This show is based of his UK show “Kitchen Nightmares” shown here on the BBC channel. Ramsey visits failing restaurants in an attempt to find issues that plague the establishment.