Facebook “Lite”?

Facebook Lite Screenshot

Facebook Lite Screenshot

Yep – it’s not just a rumor. Facebook Lite is an actual sub-site of Facebook currently in testing mode.

Why? Facebook can be seen as bloated, especially for people on slow connections. A slimed down version could be a welcome addition. Facebook Lite would also be direct competition for Twitter.

Facebook Lite will offer basic tasks like status updates, commenting, wall writing and photo viewing. Similar to Twitter; the site will offer a navigation column and posts. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery!

News of Facebook Lite hit the web last night when Facebook accidentally invited a wide range of beta-testers. They quickly shut down the link. Facebook release the following statement.

“This evening, the test [of Facebook Lite] was temporarily exposed to a larger set of users by mistake. We have not opened up access to lite.facebook.com to all users at this time. People who are not part of the test and are trying to access “Lite” will be directed to Facebook.com as usual.”

Will it work? A ‘Lite’ social networking site is not a new idea. MySpace has had a lite version for some time now. I believe a few people will use the trimmed down Facebook site. The folks with slow and or remote connections will benefit.

Twitter compitition – I seriously doubt it. Twitter is an entirely different social networking beast. I’m pretty sure everyone who currently uses Facebook and Twitter will continue to use them until the next big social networking site comes along.