Disable (Stop/Pause) iPhoto Faces Detection

I generally don’t use iPhoto a lot on my system. I have a several thousand photos; they are well organized with tags and smart groups. I really only use iPhoto to import my new pictures.

Something that frustrates the hell out when I do occasionally use iPhoto is the Faces detection that brings my iPhoto (and sometime my system) to a crawl.

The following steps will disable iPhoto’s Faces detection!

1. Quit iPhoto

2. Open the Terminal Application (Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app)

3. Type the following (exactly as is):

defaults write com.apple.iPhoto PKFaceDetectionEnabled 0

(then return)

4. Type the following (exactly as is):


(then return)

5. Quit Terminal

6. Start iPhoto

If you wish to re-enable Faces Detection then simply change the the 0 to a 1 from step 3 as shown below.

defaults write com.apple.iPhoto PKFaceDetectionEnabled 1

Via Apple Discussions