Dear Santa – Please Bring Me A uSpace Cocoon For Christmas

My wife often brings me items to add to her ‘wish‘ list that she finds in various magazines or on TV. My desk is covered with torn pages full of goodies. By the way she loves her new YogaToes that just arrived. 

Sometimes when she leaves me these cutouts it’s hard to tell if she seriously wants the item or if she is just being facetious. Last night she brought me a clipping that just made me laugh out loud.

Introducing the uSpace Complete Well-Being Chair / Cocoon. It’s “the ultimate in massage and relaxation”. Now my wife is fairly stressed out, so for a second I thought she may have been serious. Then I saw the price… Now, this is not an ordinary massage pad you would throw on your old barcalounger.

The uSpace Complete Well-Being Chair is your ticket to perfect chi. It features precision engineered massage, air cushions, music synchronization, power-recline, and the cocoon pod that surrounds you with three different mood light options. Oh yea, I almost forgot to mention it’s made out of leather. No cheap vinyl here.

Now back to the price – you can have your very own uSpace chair for under six grand! Yes – it’s on sale at Brookstone for a bargain price of $5,995.00 (plus shipping). What a deal!

Sorry Honey, Santa can’t fit this in his bag full of presents.