Celebrity Injustice

Yet another case of rich people doing whatever they want. Paris Hilton’s jail sentence has been cut in half because of her “good behavior”. It was explained that her good behavior consisted of multiple factors including showing up for her court date. Your kidding me right?

Her 23 day stay will be in a “special needs housing unit” where she will be able to watch TV, exercise, and talk on the phone. Hilton’s unit is reserved for police, officials, celebrities etc.

Tuesday the Hilton legal team proposed that Paris is “distraught and traumatized” thusly not capable of testifying in a civil case claiming Hilton spread “vicious lies” about diamond heiress Zeta Graff. The Superior Court Judge postponed the trial.

So the moral of the story is- if your rich you can drink and drive, violate your probation, and go to court when you feel like it.

Hilton is supposed to show up for jail on June 5th. Will she show up, or will she come up with some new excuse?

Perhaps they should change the name of Hilton’s show to “The Simpletons Life”.