Say Hello To “Buddy”

Introducing ”Buddy” our new three month old Schipperke puppy. We are so happy to have a little bother (buddy) for our Toby. I think these two are really going to have some fun together. I have put some pictures of Buddy on my gallery page. Caution his cuteness may overwhelm …

New Look Coming Soon

Be sure to check back in 2008. We are working on a new layout for the site. Thanks to everyone who visited Sully’s Rants in 2007.

Happy Independence Day

God Bless America – the land of the FREE. On this day we pray for the safety of our troops who are unable to celebrate this day with us. Be Safe and Enjoy this great land!

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s day to all of those who are near and dear to my heart For the rest of you, I’m sorry your lonely; get off your computer and go find your special someone. Your not going to find them by reading blogs all day! Beverle – Will you be …

Run – Were all going to die…

It’s 5 Minutes To Midnight -The Board of Directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists have moved the “Doomsday Clock” ahead by two minutes. “This deteriorating state of global affairs leads the Board of Directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists–in consultation with a Board of Sponsors that …

A New Look For The New Year

Well I put up a new look for the new year. I haven’t had a lot of time to write recently. The past several months have been rough. I hope to start this year on a positive note however. Best Wishes for the new year everyone.