The below example will help you with finding or setting a date to and/or fro using business days only. I needed this for a project I was working on and thought I would share.
function dateFromBusinessDays($days, $dateTime=null) {
$dateTime = is_null($dateTime) ? time() : $dateTime;
$_day = 0;
$_direction = $days == 0 ? 0 : intval($days/abs($days));
$_day_value = (60 * 60 * 24);
while($_day !== $days) {
$dateTime += $_direction * $_day_value;
$_day_w = date("w", $dateTime);
if ($_day_w > 0 && $_day_w < 6) {
$_day += $_direction * 1;
return $dateTime;
// echo date("m/d/Y", dateFromBusinessDays(-7));
// echo date("m/d/Y", dateFromBusinessDays(15, time() + 3*60*60*24));
<p>Business Days From Today: <?php echo date("m/d/Y", dateFromBusinessDays(15)); ?></p>