2010 – Why Does That Number Look so Strange?

Two thousand and ten; it still sounds so far away! I remember when I was a kid and 2010 was the “future”! Well the future is now; yet it does not seem any less strange.

We still don’t have flying cars or tele-porters. Food is not magically cooked in automated ovens. We don’t have laser pistols and we have not been attacked by aliens from outer space (yet).

What happened to the 90’s? Where did the 80’s go? Does anyone even remember the 70’s? Time – the hands of time just turn and turn and turn… It is hard to fathom the things we have seen. I simply can not imagine what amazing things are to come.

I guess I just have to embrace 2010. Most likely 2011 will be here before I remember to write 2010 on my checks.