
Notice to SafariSort Users

The SafairSort website has been discontinued and now redirects to this blog site. If you wish to change the URL that opens after running SafariSort please follow the steps below: Open your Applications Folder Right-Click (or Control-Click) on the and Choose “Show Package Contents” Open the “Contents” Folder Open …

ShowPass | Safari Password Input Revealer

ShowPass is a simple extension that defeats Safari’s behavior to hide what you’re typing into password fields. Name: ShowPass Author: Canisbos Computing | Website | Download Description (from author):This trivial little Safari extension does one trivial little thing: When you move the mouse over a password input field (the kind that shows …

25 Safari Extensions You Can Install Now

Apple’s new Safari 5 brings support for browser extensions. Until Apple showcases the extensions on its own gallery in a few months, we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorites. To learn more about using Safari, check out our Safari 101 screencast on TechUniversity (subscription required). Web & Utilities …